The Ultimate Guide to Caring for Long-Haired Guinea Pigs


It’s no secret guinea pigs can melt their piggy parents’ hearts with their cute little faces and wheeking sounds. But did you know that our favorite furry friends also have one other adorable attribute? That’s right - guinea pigs are much admired for their beautiful coats of fur.

But there’s really no such thing as a standard guinea pig hairstyle. Depending on their breed, some piggies have short, smooth hair whereas others have longer, wilder, luscious locks - and of course they can all be a variety of stunning shades. 

As far as we’re concerned, all guinea pigs are utterly gorgeous and make amazing animal companions. However, it’s worth knowing that long-haired piggies require some extra TLC and grooming in order to keep them looking their best and staying healthy and happy. If you have a guinea pig with long hair (or even two, lucky you!), find out all about long-haired guinea pig breeds and what you need to know when caring for long-haired guinea pigs!

Long haired guinea pig

Breeds of long-haired guinea pigs

Like their hoomans, guinea pigs come in all shapes and sizes - and so do their coats. You can find guinea pigs with long hair, short hair, and even no hair. Little furless pigs are known as skinny pigs, and some guinea pigs with short coats have straight hair, lots of rosettes, or coarse coats.

But what about the long-haired guinea pigs? Let's have a look at all the different breeds!

Peruvian long-haired guinea pigs

Peruvian long-haired guinea pigs have more to offer than handsome hair. The South American pigs are known for their sweet, curious personalities which match the charming coats. Peruvians are one of the most popular long-haired guinea pig breeds.

Texel guinea pigs

Texels are easy to spot, with their beautiful cavy curls. These sweet-natured pets are keen on cuddles, but be careful: if you leave your Texel guinea pigs unsupervised, they become masters of mischief!

Silkie (Sheltie) guinea pigs

The Silkie, also known as the Sheltie, has silky long hair - that’s where the name comes from! The adorable pigs have shiny long hair all over their bodies, apart from their heads, and are known for their calm personalities.

Coronet guinea pigs

The Coronet has a Silkie’s long locks, and a Crested guinea pig’s rosette crown on their head. The cute Coronets are friendly, affectionate pigs who were first bred in England.

Lunkarya guinea pigs

Lunkaryas look like Peruvian long-haired guinea pigs on a bad hair day (though they’re just as beautiful!). Their long hair is coarse and dense, rather than smooth. This rare piggy breed from Sweden is named for the wool-like hair.

Sheba guinea pigs

The Sheba is affectionately known as the mini yak and looks a little different from our previous long-haired guinea pig breeds. Shebas are a cross between Peruvians and Abyssinians, so they have the typical long coat with lots of rosettes throughout. Fun fact: The Sheba’s coat grows slower than other long haired guinea pigs’, so they don’t need quite as much hair care.

Merino guinea pigs

Merinos have curly long coats with a short crest, like the Coronets. With their floofy, curly hair, guinea pig lovers often compare them to small sheep. As beautiful as their coats are, they also need a lot of care!

Alpaca guinea pigs

The Alpaca guinea pig has coarse, wavy hair, unlike most other long-haired guinea pig breeds. The adorable Alpaca guinea pig is a rare breed, and a favorite with many guinea pig lovers. It’s easy to confuse them with a Texel, but the Alpaca guinea pig has bangs that point forward. Their coats need daily care.

Abyssinian guinea pigs

Abyssinians are adorable guinea pigs with lots of rosettes, so their hair grows in every direction possible. Though Abyssinians don’t have the same long hair as our other long-haired guinea pig breeds, these pigs need extra hair care, too. Abyssinian guinea pigs are sometimes more sensitive to touch than other piggy breeds, so the cute pigs are best handled carefully.

A poster with all the long-haired guinea pig breeds

The importance of grooming long-haired guinea pigs

Of course, all guinea pigs regularly groom themselves. They use a white liquid from their eyes and brush it through their fur with their front paws, often standing on their hind legs to do this. Ingenious!

However, your guinea pig with long hair will also need some extra grooming help from you in order to keep them in tip-top condition. While piggies with short hair can be groomed once a week, long haired guinea pigs need daily grooming.

This is simply because if their fur doesn't receive the right amount of care, it could become extremely matted, dirty, and unkempt, potentially leading to health issues.

Illustrated long haired guinea pig with shiny coat

Grooming long-haired guinea pigs prevents skin infections 

When left to grow too long, a guinea pig’s hair can become soiled as they're more likely to get it wet when going to the bathroom. The wet and dirty fur will then come in contact with your piggy's skin, causing irritation, soreness, and potentially leading to nasty infections!

Grooming long-haired guinea pigs prevents fly strike 

In warmer weather, particularly in spring and summer months, flies are abundant, and they tend to prey on ill-kept animalsIf left in dirty conditions, with wet, soiled or matted fur, flies may choose your piggies as a host site for their eggs.

These eggs then develop into maggots which eat their host’s flesh. Sadly, fly strike can be fatal so good guinea pig hygiene is a must to prevent this health problem.

Grooming long-haired guinea pigs prevents lice

Long-haired guinea pigs are at a higher risk of hosting lice due to their lengthy, dense strands of hairLice infestations can cause your guinea pig discomfort and distress as well as resulting in nasty secondary skin infections and, sadly, they can even prove fatal.

By keeping long-haired piggies’ fur clean and trimmed, you’ll reduce the risk of them attracting lice. Also, routine grooming can help piggy parents spot lice infestations at an early stage and prevent them spreading further.

Grooming prevents mites

Another pesky infestation that can negatively impact your fluffy guinea pig’s health are ear mites, as long-haired breeds produce more ear waxIf your piggie’s ears are left uncleaned, wax build up is more likely to attract mites. Here's a handy guide to cleaning your guinea pigs' ears to prevent this issue.

Grooming for Long-Haired Guinea Pigs

Grooming long-haired guinea pigs to perfection requires a rigorous routine. Your pig’s hair care routine should include daily brushing and a regular trim. If left unkempt and uncut, your long-haired guinea pig’s coat can get matted, soiled, and have bedding and hay stuck in it. So let’s find out how to keep your piggy’s hair in tip top condition!

How should I groom long-haired guinea pigs?

Grooming guinea pigs can be a fun, enriching activity for you and your guinea pigsSome piggies may be complete naturals when it comes to grooming, while others will need time to get used to it. Never forget that as prey animals, guinea pigs are naturally nervous little characters!

When grooming, it’s important that both you and your guinea pigs are relaxed before you start. If your piggy seems anxious or skittish, it may be best to leave your grooming session for another time when they seem more comfortable.

If you introduce grooming as part of a ritual, like your evening snuggles, it'll be easier for your piggy to get used to it. Plus, if they know what to expect and when to expect it, they'll find it easier to relax and even enjoy their grooming sesh!

Now that we know how to prepare your sweet long hair guinea pig for grooming, let’s get the piggy parents ready, too, with this simple step-by-step guide.

Caring for long-haired guinea pigs means daily brushing.

Step-by-step guide to grooming guinea pigs 

Let's start by making sure you get all the essentials tools for the ultimate guinea pig groom. This includes:

  • A fine-toothed comb & a soft-bristled brush
  • A spray bottle filled with water
  • Round tipped hair scissors
  • A potty-proof pad
  • Lots of tasty treats to distract and reward your furry friend
Do long-haired guinea pigs need haircuts? Yes, and lots of other care. Pictured is long hair guinea pig care equipment, like the right food, cage cleaner, and a brush.

When grooming, an extra pair of hands is always a great idea, especially if it's your first time. Ask someone to gently hold your pig while you groom if possible. Then follow these steps:

STEP 1: Find a quiet area to groom your guinea pig - a spot you don’t mind getting covered in stray hairs. Use a clean towel, pee pad or fleece liner as a soft, comfortable surface for your piggies to sit on during their grooming session.

STEP 2: Give your guinea pig some treats throughout to help them relax. This will help them associate grooming with being a positive experience. 

STEP 3: Take your fine-toothed comb and start to brush their hair in the direction that it grows to remove any knots. Gradually work your way down from top to bottom.

TOP TIP: If your comb catches on a tangle, ensure that you avoid pulling at their fur! Instead, spritz a little water on the tangle to try to loosen it. If that fails, you may need to gently trim it away (see step 4). 

STEP 4: As you work your way through your guinea pig’s fur, identify any areas that appear matted as these will need to be removed. Take your scissors and gently trim the matted hair away

When grooming long-haired guinea pigs, it's important to brush in the direction their fur grows.

TOP TIP: Avoid trimming too close to your guinea pig’s skin, and always place the hair between your second and third fingers before you cut it. If your guinea pig’s matted hair is very close to their skin, you may need to work on it over the course of a couple of grooming sessions.

STEP 5: Once your piggy’s fur has been combed and any matted patches have been removed, trim any particularly long lengths of hair with your scissors. As a rule, you should cut long hair around your piggy’s bottom and feet to keep these areas clean and free from obstructions. As mentioned in step 4, use your fingers to guide how short you cut, to ensure you keep to an even length and to avoid injury.

STEP 6: Use a soft brush to gently smooth their hair and sweep away any stray hair clippings.

STEP 7: Be sure to reward your guinea pig for a job well done with their favorite snack!

Do long-haired guinea pigs need haircuts? Yes, you can make this part of their grooming routine as pictured.

Do Long-Haired Guinea Pigs Need Haircuts? 

A guinea pig’s long hair grows all the time, so they need a regular trim, just like people do. Certain long-haired guinea pig breeds need a trim every other week, while others take a little longer to grow their luscious locks.

As a rule of thumb, many long hair guinea pig parents cut their pets’ fur once a month. Other ways to measure the right time for a new hair do: if it gets past 3in long, or if it touches the ground. 

The area piggy parents focus on the most when it comes to caring for long-haired guinea pigs is the bum. Things can get messy for long hair guinea pigs when they go to the bathroom, so you can stop soggy bottoms before they happen with a good trim. Make sure to also trim your pig’s sides, especially around their feet, so they aren’t stepping on their fur and they can move (and popcorn!) freely. 

Pictured is a long hair guinea pig with a great haircut, looking happy.

Trimming long-haired guinea pigs' nails

Not all piggies need regular hair trims, but every guinea pig needs a monthly nail trimLike the hair trim, delaying the nail care can lead to health issues, so you can set your routine from the moment your piggies arrive. The furry floofers are sure to appreciate the pawdicure!

How often should I trim my long-haired guinea pig’s nails? 

A monthly claw clip is mandatory when caring for any guinea pigs as their nails grow all the timeNail trims are particularly important for long hair guinea pigs because their piggy paws are at an extra risk to get tangled in the fur. So if left untrimmed, a piggy’s nails could negatively affect the way they walk!

How to trim long-haired guinea pigs’ nails

The prospect of clipping your guinea pig’s nails can be a bit scary - the last thing you want to do is accidentally trim too much and hurt them! Follow these simple steps to get your pig ready for their nail trim:

  1. Put your pig on a potty-proof pad on your lap in a quiet area of your home
  2. Find your pig’s quick, using a torch for dark nails
  3. Clip each claw a little in front of the quick with small pet nail scissors
  4. Work your way from the front to the back
  5. Give your pigs lots of treats throughout

Get more detailed advice on cutting guinea pigs' nails in the video below or check out our blog on the topic.

Bathing long-haired guinea pigs

Yes, just like the rest of us - guinea pigs occasionally need baths! Bathing involves washing your guinea pig in order to keep them clean, and it’s a normal part of grooming long-haired guinea pigs. Let's have a look at how this works and how often it needs doing!

How often should you bathe a long-haired guinea pig?

Generally, it’s advised that all guinea pigs are bathed between twice and four times a yearWhen caring for long-haired guinea pigs, regular bathing is an important aspect of your piggy’s care, as it helps keep them clean and healthy. However, it’s also important not to over-wash them, as this can strip their fur's natural oils and cause dry skin.  

Rather than following any hard and fast rule, trust your own instincts on when to give your guinea pig with long hair a bath. If your guinea pig’s bottom appears soiled, then it’s probably time for a bath - or at least a quick wash of that area in order to freshen it up. 

How often should you bathe a long-haired guinea pig? As often as needed. The pictured long hair guinea pig is enjoying a bath every 3-4 months.

What you need to bathe a long-haired guinea pig

To make the bath as easy and comfortable as possible for you and your long hair guinea pig, you’ll need these items:

  • Wash basin with a flat base
  • Small towel (to place inside the basin)
  • Guinea pig safe shampoo
  • Towel for drying

How to bathe a long-haired guinea pig

The prospect of bathing your guinea pig with long hair can seem a bit daunting, but it’s an important part of your guinea pig’s care. Here are some useful tips for bathing your guinea pig: 

  • Bathe them in a calm, quiet room with no distractions and make sure it’s warm and dry so that your piggy won’t feel chilly when they come out of the bath wet
  • Pour around 3cm of warm (not hot) water into a flat based basin or a small container such as a clean washing up bowl
  • Holding your guinea pig carefully, let them try the water by dipping a foot in it
  • Providing they seem calm and relaxed, scoop some water and gently pour it over their lower body and bum, avoiding their face and ears
  • Shampoo them gently with guinea pig safe shampoo
  • Rinse the shampoo thoroughly out of their fur
  • Wrap them gently in a towel and hold them carefully until they’re completely dry
  • Give your freshly bathed guinea pig a yummy treat as a reward!

Here's a video from Kavee Rescue's pig-expert Tara on how to bathe guinea pigs:

Cleaning ears for long-haired guinea pigs

Aaah, earwax….not the most pleasant conversation topic but essential nonetheless. You may be surprised to hear that guinea pigs need their ears cleaned regularly as part of their grooming routineJust like us, guinea pig ears can get a build up of earwax and long-haired breeds tend to produce more of the waxy stuff than their short-haired pals. 

How often should I clean my long-haired guinea pig’s ears?

If your piggy’s earwax build up isn’t cleaned out, it can attract infestations of pests including mites, which can lead to further health complications. So it’s recommended that guinea pigs have their ears cleaned two to three times a year, although some long-haired guinea pigs may require more frequent clean outs

Keep an eye on your guinea pig’s ears and if you spot earwax building up, it’s probably time for a gentle clean.

How to clean long-haired guinea pig’s ears

To clean out your pig’s ears, you’ll need:

  1. cotton pads
  2. cotton buds
  3. oil (mineral or olive)
  4. syringe without needle

And with the following steps, your guinea pig will soon hear you clearly when you tell them off for chewing your furniture:

  1. Put them on a potty-proof pad in a quiet room
  2. Draw a little oil into your syringe
  3. Add a few drops to the outside of your pig’s ears - avoiding the ear canal completely
  4. Gently massage the oil into the folds of each ear
  5. Remove excess oil and dead skin with a cotton pad
  6. Run a cotton put dipped in oil over the ear folds - avoiding the ear canal completely
  7. Don’t forget to give your pig their favorite treat!


There are lots of different long-haired guinea pig breeds, and their fur comes in different colors, lengths, and textures - and they’re all adorable! Caring for long-haired guinea pigs takes a bit more effort than looking after their short-haired friends. That’s mainly because of the extra care grooming long-haired guinea pigs takes.

However, we hope that this blog makes it clear that while it takes some effort and time, it's the most rewarding experience. And if you want to learn more about guinea pig care, check out our free ultimate care guide!

A guinea pig with long hair is just as great a pet as other piggies. Pictured is a long hair guinea pig, looking adoringly at their hooman.

About the author

Fine Mayer

Fine is an ardent animal lover and particularly enjoys the company of her three guinea pigs, Tiberius, Ziri, and Henry. With more than 15 years of pigsperience, she knows the ins and outs of guinea pig care. Today, Fine lives in Glasgow, Scotland, with her three pigs and three noisy birds.

Guinea pig careHow tos

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