how many guinea pigs are there in the world?

Disclaimer: Numbers below have been estimated by crossing different sources of information. They are estimations and should be consider as such only. Check our full list of sources at the end of the article. 

Have you ever wondered how many guinea pigs are there in the world or in your own country? Well, a lot! The Kavee team has done some research for you and it transpires that guinea pigs are small in size but mighty in numbers! 

Guinea pig population by country usa uk france belgium italy spain germany australia

How many guinea pigs do households have on average? 

By now, you are most likely aware that guinea pigs do better with friends so it won't come as a surprise that most households opt for a pair of piggies. But guinea pigs are like crisps, it is hard to stop after a couple so many families will have a sizable herd! Research in Australia has shown that households have 2.4 guinea pigs on average.  

how many guinea pigs are there per household per each country world wide two guinea pigs with flower crowns

How many guinea pigs are there in the UK? 

Guinea pigs are beloved by many pet owners in the UK. In 2020/21, the number of guinea pig-owning UK households was estimated to be 350,000 households! Taking into account that each household has several guinea pigs, we estimated that the British population of piggies is around … 850 000 guinea pigs! Now that’s a lot of british piggies!

how many guinea pigs are there in the UK calculation of British households with a guinea pig sitting on a map

How many guinea pigs are there in the USA? 

In the USA, close to 2 million households own small mammal pets, excluding rabbits. Considering the popularity of guinea pigs, we have estimated that approximately 1.5 million families own guinea pigs in the USA. Again taking into account several guinea pigs per household, we estimate that 3.8 million guinea pigs live in the USA! We believe that the United States is probably the country with the most guinea pigs!

how many guinea pigs are in the USA calculation with a guinea pig sitting on a map with an American flag

How many guinea pigs are there in Canada?

How about our Canadian friends north of the border? It is estimated that there are 187,000 households that own guinea pigs. Of those households, there are approximately 450,000 guinea pigs!

calculation of how many guinea pigs are living in canada with a guinea pig sitting on a world map with a canadian flag

How many guinea pigs are there in Australia? 

Next, we’ll take a look at our guinea pig friends on the other side of the globe. Guinea pigs are also very popular in Australia, where it’s estimated that there are around 122,000 guinea pig-owning Australian households owning a total of 290 000 guinea pigs. Incredible! 

how many guinea pigs are in Australia calculation article with a guinea pig sitting on a world make next to an Australian flag

How many guinea pigs are there in France?

Now we'll scurry on over to our French friends. It has been estimated that 352,000 french households own a total of 870,000 guinea pigs...looks like there are some big piggy herds in France!

the number of guinea pigs living in France with a guinea pig on a world map next to a French flag

How many guinea pigs are there in Belgium?

Guinea pigs are also a well liked family pet in Belgium! Did you know that there are approximately 58,000 households that choose guinea pigs as pets? Across these Belgian households, we’ve estimated that there are at least 140,000 guinea pigs. Magnifique!

the number of guinea pigs currently in Belgium calculation with a skinny pig pig on a world map with a Belgian flag

How many guinea pigs are there in Italy?

As we work our way across Europe, we’ll next take a look at Italy. Guinea pigs have been reported to occupy approximately 190,000 households and roughly to have around 460,000 guinea pigs! Bellisimo!

How many guinea pigs are currently living in Italy calculations with a guinea pig sitting on a world map with an Italian flag

How many guinea pigs are there in Spain?

In Spain, guinea pigs must be enjoying the abundance of lovely sunny weather as they forage during time spent outside. Guinea pigs are chosen as a pet in approximately 210,000 households. That number is almost doubled as there are estimated to be over 500,000 guinea pigs!

calculation of the number of guinea pigs living in Spain with a guinea pig sat on a world map and with a Spanish flag

How many guinea pigs are there in Germany? 

One country that closely rivals the US for the country with the most guinea pigs is Germany. In Germany, guinea pigs occupy approximately 650,000 households, and are estimated to be an impressive 1,570,000  guinea pigs! You should also know that Germany holds some of the biggest guinea pig shows in the world. Impressive!

Number of guinea pigs in Germany with a picture of a guinea pig sat on a world map with a German flag

But what is the number of guinea pigs in the world? 

In western countries, our team has estimated that there is 13 million guinea pigs! In the whole world, we believe there are around 30 million guinea pigs! That number certainly has us wheeking in delight. It's incredible to see how big the guinea pig community truly is.

30 million guinea pigs are around the world calculation article Sources:  AMAAvmaStatista, Pet Magazine, Kavee calculations and estimations, 

Guinea pig fun

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